Ice in the ventilation filters: Feringa Building shut down once again (UPDATE)

The laboratories in the troubled Feringa Building had to be shut down again for a few hours on Monday. This time, ice in the ventilation filters were to blame.

Due to high humidity caused by persistent fog, the ventilation system in the Feringa Building is not functioning properly. The air filters are clogged with ice, staff were told on Sunday evening. For safety reasons, the building was subsequently closed.

As of 8 a.m. Monday morning, it reopened for office work and education. The laboratories remained closed until half past three in the afternoon, after which a change in the weather allowed the ventilation system to function properly again, says spokesperson Elies Wempe-Kouwenhoven. ‘However, we are investigating how to prevent this from happening again in the future’, she says.

‘This is, of course, incredibly frustrating for our researchers’, says Esther Marije Klop, portfolio manager for the Faculty of Science and Engineering. ‘I hope that the real estate department can provide a long-term solution. After all, it’s likely to freeze and be humid in the Netherlands again in the future.’

Fume cupboards

Since the opening of the state-of-the-art building, there have been ongoing problems with its ventilation system. This led to the fume hoods being out of service for months starting in July, as their safety could not be guaranteed.

Researchers were forced to return to the old Nijenborgh 4 laboratories to continue their work. It wasn’t until October that the first researchers could resume their work in the new Feringa Building labs.

Additionally, there was an incident where a ceiling panel fell down and landed on someone, and various other technical problems remain unresolved.

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