Help, I get to vote!

Even one day before the national elections, many students did not know which party they were voting for, or even if they would be voting at all. ‘The electors’ are trying to change this, providing an elucidating overview of the current political situation.
By Freek Schueler / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

On the eve of the elections Floris Rijssenbeek, Dylan Ahern, and Jochem Jordaan filled the city theatre in Groningen with their performance De Kiesmannen (The Electors). Not only do they want to use their theatre show to convince students to vote, but they also hope to create order in what they call political chaos. After a successful show in Amsterdam, they are coming for the ‘ordinary citizens in the north’, according to the gentlemen.

They use humour to lead the audience from left to right through the political landscape. Paying attention is a must, because the men are not afraid to ask the audience critical questions. In between the serious themes, there is time for a breather with a fun audience poll.

After thunderous applause brought on by an amazing rap performance, there is one last surprise: each chair has a red voting pencil attached underneath. The message is clear: go out and vote!



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