Free coffee to encourage colleagues to go for a walk together

Food Matterz is one of the cafés where you can redeem your free drink.

Arts faculty pays for drink at city centre cafés

Free coffee to encourage colleagues to go for a walk

The Faculty of Arts wants to encourage co-workers to get together for a walk and a chat. To that end, they’re offering their staff a free drink at various Groningen cafés.
20 April om 13:17 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 21 April 2021
om 11:53 uur.
April 20 at 13:17 PM.
Last modified on April 21, 2021
at 11:53 AM.
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Door Giulia Fabrizi

20 April om 13:17 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 21 April 2021
om 11:53 uur.
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By Giulia Fabrizi

April 20 at 13:17 PM.
Last modified on April 21, 2021
at 11:53 AM.

‘We’ve been getting signs from staff members that they’re having a hard time’, says faculty manager Wouter Heinen. The faculty board would have liked to offer more opportunities for people to meet. 

‘But everything is taking longer than we’d hoped. Back in January, we thought that vaccinating would be happening faster, and we’d be able to see other on-campus more. But that hasn’t happened yet, and people are disappointed.’

Work meetings outside

Heinen knows about staff members who sometimes don’t see their co-workers for a whole week. ‘Not everyone needs to digitally meet people as part of their job. They can’t just drop by someone’s office and no one sets up digital chats when they’re busy.’

Still, the board wanted to do something for its staff, keeping the current corona restrictions in mind. ‘This is one of the few things that are possible. Have a work meeting with a colleague outside or take a walking lunch through town.’ 

Meet up more often

Heinen hopes co-workers will continue to go outside together after this campaign ends. ‘It would be nice if this encouraged them to meet up more often’, he says. ‘We’ll ultimately be able to meet up more, but options will be limited until the summer. Hopefully, this will be a small but nice alternative to meet up anyway.’

Arts workers can make use of the offer until May 9, at Doppio, Food Matterz, Huis de Beurs, the News Café, and Spaak. You can get one free drink by showing your UG ID and telling them your name. 


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