Ebony and ivory at FEB

The Faculty of Economics and Business was given a customised standing piano as a Christmas gift. The musical instrument is a ‘community gift’ rather than the small individual presents traditionally presented to the staff around Christmas.
Text and photos by Traci White

The Duisenberg building has gotten a little more melodious: last month, the staff and students of the Faculty of Economics and Business were gifted a standing piano. During a coffee meeting inaugurating the new year in early January, FEB dean Herman de Jong officially presented the musical gift to the faculty.

The piano’s exterior is covered in a custom red wrap with blue and white musical notes, complete with lyrics from the song ‘Sir Duke’ by American pop star Stevie Wonder on the back: ‘Music is a word within itself / With a language we all understand.’ The decorations were created by Bosman Reklame in Groningen.

Silent play

Out of consideration to those who may not want to listen to piano solos at all hours, the instrument – a Zeitter & Winkelmann model which was bought from Albert Hahn pianos in Groningen – also comes equipped with a headphone jack. In a video posted on FEB’s Facebook page on 9 January announcing the piano’s arrival, players are encouraged to plug in when there are no events. ‘The built-in silent play system makes sure that you can play without disturbing others.’

Nienke Bastiaans, head of education and communication services at FEB, explains that the faculty chose to give a ‘community gift’ this year instead of a symbolic individual gift presented to staff members, such as chocolates or a voucher for the Micaffè coffee shop in the building.

Less expensive

According to Bastiaans, the piano itself cost 4,000 euros and the custom decorations were 335 euros. The money was already set aside for the faculty’s annual gift, and she says that the piano was actually less expensive than the traditional individual presents. FEB has 650 staff members, including academic and administrative employees, and nearly 6,000 students.

The instrument is currently located in the plaza of the building, next door to the Micaffè coffee shop. FEB is not the only faculty at the RUG with an in-house instrument: University College Groningen also has a standing piano in its building on the Hoendiepkade.


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