Bus station set to move

The entire Groningen bus station will be moving. The buses will move from the north side to the south side of the train station
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

According to previously announced plans, six bus platforms would be moved to the back of the train station, but the municipality has now decided to move all bus lines to the south side of the station. The current bus station location does not have enough room to accommodate the increasing number of travellers.

The municipality, province, rail network operator ProRail, and NS assert that the current platforms stops are too small, and traffic at the Stationsweg sometimes makes for an unsafe situation. The current bus station is also not accessible enough for the disabled. ‘A bus station on the south side has none of these disadvantages’, the organisations said in a press release.


The entire train station will get an overhaul. A pedestrian tunnel will run below the station and a bus tunnel will be constructed underneath the tracks. There will also be a cycling tunnel between the Stadsbalkon and a new underground bicycle parking facility on the south side of the train station. The makeover will cost at least 275 million euros and is supposed to be finished by 2021.

The new bus station will be one long platform so that travellers will no longer have to cross bus lanes. Travellers can also utilise the new pedestrian tunnel or the bicycle parking facilities on the south side.



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