Van Balen on Supervisory Board

Minister Bussemaker of Education, Culture, and Science (OCW) appointed Heleen van Balen to the Supervisory Board at the RUG starting as of 1 December. Van Balen was put forward by the University Council.
By Thereza Langeler / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Van Balen studied law at the RUG. She specialises in strategic legal management, Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC), higher educational management and development.

She has her own legal company, Commutatio Group BV, and teaches Leadership and Governance at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Van Balen also sits on various boards, including the Commercieele Club Groningen and healthcare institution Het Behouden Huys.

She will succeed Agnes Schaafsma in the Supervisory Board. The University Council is very happy with the appointment, chairperson Tim Huiskes says.

The Board supervises the Board of Directors at the RUG. It consists of four other members besides Van Balen: chairperson Tjibbe Joustra, Harm Post, Wietse Reehoorn, and Anette Roeters.


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