Secondary schools to reopen, no changes for higher education

Secondary schools to reopen, no changes for higher education

High schools and secondary vocational schools are to reopen for at least one day per week from March 1 on, outgoing prime minister Mark Rutte has announced. For universities, things will stay the same: they can only continue with on-site exams and practical classes.
24 February om 10:10 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 24 February 2021
om 10:32 uur.
February 24 at 10:10 AM.
Last modified on February 24, 2021
at 10:32 AM.
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Door Yelena Kilina

24 February om 10:10 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 24 February 2021
om 10:32 uur.
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By Yelena Kilina

February 24 at 10:10 AM.
Last modified on February 24, 2021
at 10:32 AM.
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Yelena Kilina

International editor Volledig bio International editor Full bio

Rutte said in Tuesday evening’s press conference that the Netherlands has reached a phase in which ‘we’re prepared to take a bit more of a risk’ and acknowledged that school is important for teenagers not only in terms of education, but also ’socially and emotionally’.

Hairdressers and non-essential stores

The curfew will be extended until March 15, but Rutte did announce a relaxation of a few other coronavirus measures. As of March 3, non-essential shops will be allowed to receive customers by appointment, provided that there will be a maximum of two shoppers per floor and every customer will have a time slot of at least ten minutes. You can book your slot four hours in advance. 

Contact-based professionals such as hairdressers and masseurs can also resume their work from that date, but only by appointment.  

From March 3, all young people up to twenty-seven years old can train in groups and play team sports again, outside. Formal competitions remain prohibited, though. 

Neglecting the rules

Rutte warned that a quarter of people who test positive still neglect the rules of self-isolation, which he denounced as dangerous and ‘potentially life-threatening’. That is why everyone’s behaviour counts for the further relaxation of restrictions, he said. 

The government will reassess the situation on March 8 to decide which restrictions should be followed from March 16 on.

24 February 2021 | 24-2-2021, 10:32

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