Survey: Two thirds of students want corona vaccine (+video)

Survey: Two thirds of students want corona vaccine

UKrant asked a random sample of 130 UG students how they feel about taking a corona vaccine. A majority says they would take it.
16 December om 10:51 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 16 December 2020
om 11:05 uur.
December 16 at 10:51 AM.
Last modified on December 16, 2020
at 11:05 AM.
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Door Remco van Veluwen

16 December om 10:51 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 16 December 2020
om 11:05 uur.
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By Remco van Veluwen

December 16 at 10:51 AM.
Last modified on December 16, 2020
at 11:05 AM.
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Remco van Veluwen

Studentredacteur Volledig bio Student editor Full bio

Most of the students polled plan to take the vaccine as soon as they’re able: more than 67 percent answered with a resounding ‘yes’. An oft-mentioned reason is that they’re sick of the restrictions and want to return to their normal student lives, without the corona measures. 

Sonia Bathia (23), a student of media studies, is happy the vaccine is nearly here. ‘Now we can slowly return to normal life. It’ll keep us sane. Right now, everyone is scared.’ 

Twenty-one-year-old business economics student Tess de Leeuw agrees. ‘Students just want to go back to the pubs, I think.’ International business student Thio Nangin (20) says: ‘Students are social creatures. Corona took that from us.’ 


Another important reason the students cite is the safety of their loved ones and vulnerable people in society. Sanne Pellen (23), a master student of judicial public administration, would love the vaccine; she works as a cleaner for elderly people. ‘I think it’s my responsibility to protect them. The same goes for other people who are in regular contact with the elderly.’ 

A quarter of students aren’t sure whether they’ll take the vaccine once it’s available. Because the vaccine was developed in such a short period of time, they’re a little worried about potential side effects. 


Art history student Lieve Broekema (23) wonders what the vaccine could mean in the long term. ‘I do trust the Dutch government and it’s not like I’m a conspiracy nut, but I am a little worried about the large-scale vaccination of elderly people like my own grandparents. I myself am healthy, so corona probably wouldn’t affect me all that much. I might just wait as long as I can to take the vaccine.’

Approximately 8 percent of students has no plans to take the vaccine. Labour law master student Shannon Renardie (23) is one of them, even though her asthma puts her at risk. ‘My body should be able to handle the disease. What else is my immune system for? I might consider taking the vaccine in a few years, when other people have taken it as well. But I won’t be getting in line just yet.’ 


16 December 2020 | 16-12-2020, 11:05

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