Partial lockdown continues, young people to receive 58.5 million euros

Photo Reyer Boxem

Partial lockdown continues, young people to receive 58.5 million euros

The partial lockdown in the Netherlands will continue during the festive season, prime minister Mark Rutte announced in a press conference yesterday evening.
9 December om 11:46 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 14 December 2020
om 16:55 uur.
December 9 at 11:46 AM.
Last modified on December 14, 2020
at 16:55 PM.
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Door Yelena Kilina

9 December om 11:46 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 14 December 2020
om 16:55 uur.
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By Yelena Kilina

December 9 at 11:46 AM.
Last modified on December 14, 2020
at 16:55 PM.
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Yelena Kilina

International editor Volledig bio International editor Full bio

While it means that Christmas will be different this year, the government recognises that this is a difficult time for young people.

The Youth Package of 58.5 million euros is being prepared for activities to combat corona loneliness. With the money, municipalities can organise small-scale events for and with young people during the winter holidays.

Events include sports tournaments, museum visits or, theater shows organised specifically for young people. On top of that, people up to 27 years old are allowed to participate in team sports again.

Winter holidays

Nevertheless, the number of ICU admissions is still too high. Healthcare workers are under growing pressure, so everyone should follow the basic rules. As in the weeks before, you can receive three guests per day.

Don’t forget to keep your distance, wear a face mask and shop alone even if you have no symptoms. Also, stay in quarantine if you test positive or if anyone in your household does. This way we can hope for more freedom by mid-January.

If the number of infections doesn’t drop, however, Rutte may introduce stricter measures before Christmas.

New year

From mid-January the government will start running trials for opening up society. In order to see how to safely give people more freedom, there will be carefully organised sports matches and theatre plays with more spectators.

As for vaccination, the municipal health service (GGD) will set up approximately thirty centres around the country. Care professionals working at nursing homes will be the first ones to get vaccinated in January 2021 at the earliest.

09 December 2020 | 14-12-2020, 16:55

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