Emergency numbers may be unreachable with UG phone plan
Emergency numbers may be blocked with UG phone plan
Employees with a UG business account for their mobile phones are potentially unable to reach police or doctor’s numbers starting with 0900 when they have an emergency. The university and Vodafone are trying to get to the bottom of the issue.
The problem came to light after reports from users. The UG says some accounts are unable to reach the emergency numbers. The university is asking people with business accounts to call the Ziggo helpdesk Vodafone partners with at 0900 – 1884, to test the system.
If they can reach this helpdesk, they’re fine. If they instead get a message saying the number is blocked, users need to email the Centre for Information Technology (CIT) with their mobile number and the message that they are unable to reach 0900 numbers.
The CIT’s email address is citservicedesk@rug.nl.
21 October 2020 | 22-11-2020, 16:22