‘Employees work 10,000 hours of unpaid overtime a day’

Student party DAG calculates:

‘Employees work 10,000 hours of unpaid overtime a day’

UG employees work a total of more than 10,000 hours of unpaid overtime a day, student party DAG has calculated.
27 August om 13:30 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:21 uur.
August 27 at 13:30 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:21 PM.
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Door Rob Siebelink

27 August om 13:30 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:21 uur.
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By Rob Siebelink

August 27 at 13:30 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:21 PM.
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Rob Siebelink

HoofdredacteurVolledig bio »Editor-in-chief Full bio »

According to DAG’s calculations, support and managerial staff as well as administrative employees work almost two thousand hours of overtime a day, while academic and teaching staff works 8,657 hours of overtime. ‘That’s a total of 10,577 unpaid overtime a day at the University of Groningen’, says DAG.

The numbers are a result of WOin Actie’s recent investigation into the number of unpaid work hours for each staff category. DAG has adjusted the numbers to apply to the situation in Groningen. 

According to DAG, the numbers are disappointing, but not surprising. In reality, the party says, the number of hours of unpaid overtime RUG staff works is much higher. The calculation was based on numbers from before the start of the corona crisis. ‘They’re much worse in the current situation.’

Red squares

DAG made the calculation after students at the University of Utrecht did the same. These students also came up with a result of approximately 10,000 hours a day. On Monday, August 31, they want to spray paint 10,000 red squared along a route from the Dom Church to Utrecht Science park.

They’re motivated by a Volkskrant interview with Leiden professor Remco Breuker, an active member of WOinActie. He expressed his disappointment at the lack of support and involvement of students when it came to protesting the works stress teachers deal with.


27 August 2020 | 22-11-2020, 16:21

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