Paper catches fire on student house roof terrace

‘After the fire we immediately called the Bierkoerier’
Paper catches fire on student house roof terrace
The fire broke out on the roof terrace just after 5 pm. ‘We were downstairs playing FIFA and we smelled smoke’, one of the students says. ‘We were like, whatever. Until one of the roommates yelled for us. He was trying to put out this huge fire on the roof terrace with just a bucket.’
A stack of old paper and some trash had caught fire on the terrace. The students don’t know how this happened. Jesper, one of the house’s inhabitants, quotes the roommate who tried to put out the fire: ‘I don’t know how it started, but I know how I put it out.’
Christiaan, another roommate, says: ‘I was hanging out in my room when someone yelled that there was a fire.’ He says the fire brigade arrived at the scene and were fairly laconic about the whole thing. ‘They told us it was all good and to grab a beer. So we rang up the Bierkoerier.’
No one got hurt, and the damage to the roof terrace was limited to a blackened patch. The students were soon allowed back into their house. Christiaan: ‘Fortunately the most important thing, the empty beer crates, are safe. Do you know how much we can get back on the deposit for that?’